Girls & Womens CDC Cup & Cheshire World Cup 2023

July 17, 2023

Over the course of an exhilarating two-day football competition, Crewe FC set the stage as they welcomed over 60 teams and nearly 700 players to compete in the CDC Construction Cup and the prestigious Cheshire FA’s Crewe World Cup.

It is with heartfelt appreciation that we extend our gratitude to the dedicated volunteers who generously contributed their time and efforts, ensuring the seamless execution of this years competition. Their unwavering commitment played an integral role in creating such a fantastic atmosphere throughout the tournament.

Equally deserving of recognition are the exceptional players who graced the pitches, demonstrating their skills and passion for the beautiful game.

As the curtains draw on this spectacular display of female-football, we extend our warmest congratulations to every player who participated, showcased their talent and sportsmanship throughout the matches.

We are already looking forward to welcoming you back next year, where we hope to see some familiar faces and welcome new contenders to take part.

To relive the unforgettable moments and capture the essence of the tournaments, we invite you to view and download the photographs from both exhilarating days of play by visiting our Matchday Gallery; CDC Cup & Cheshire World Cup Matchday Gallery

Thank you for being a part of this years Girls and Women’s competition.

Crewe FC